出 演 |
Seret Scott, Bill Gunn, Duane Jones, Billie Allen, Gary Bolling, Noberto Kerner
監 督 |
Kathleen Collins
Features |
Disc 1: "Losing Ground" Audio Commentary By Professors Lamonda Horton-Stallings And Terri Francis "The Cruz Brothers And Miss Malloy" (1980, 50 Minutes), A 2K Restoration Of Kathleen Collins’ First Film "In Search Of Marcus Garvey" (1981, 29 Minutes, Written By Kathleen Collins) Archival Audio Commentary For The Cruz Brothers And Miss Malloy By Kathleen Collins Theatrical Trailer
Disc 2: "Transmagnifican Dambamuality" (1976, 7 Minutes), Ronald Gray’s Student Film Interviews With Producer/Cinematographer Ronald K. Gray (46 Minutes), Star Seret Scott (40 Minutes) And Kathleen Collin’s Daughter Nina Lorez Collins (26 Minutes) Interview With Kathleen Collins By Phyllis R. Klotman (22 Minutes) Masterclass With Kathleen Collins At Howard University (1984, 119 Minutes |
ワンポイントコメント |
ニューヨークに暮らす学者の妻とアーティストの夫、黒人夫婦の危機を描くインディコメディ。監督はキャサリン・コリンズ。 |